253 which would be equally as desirable to the Govt of the United States as to the people of this state I am sir very respectfully Your obt servt HR RUNNELS
July 9th 1858 Letter of the Governor to Genl. Twiggs. Recorded page 131.
No. 179 LETTER FROM H. R. RUNNELS TO J.B. FLOYD, SECRETARY OF WAR Executive Office Austin July 10, 1858 Sir, Enclosed I have the honor to forward you a copy of a letter addressed to Gen. Twiggs, to which I would respectfully call attention at your earliest convenience. The disbandment of the little band of Rangers which have been stationed on the frontier will take place about the first of August, and I fear will occasion great consternation and alarm to the exposed settlement; unless prompt action should be taken by the Genl. Govt. in substituting an active and effective force in their stead. I would allso ask leave to call your attention to a Joint Reso- lution forwarded you last winter in regard to the establishment of a military post at or near the junction of the larger Wichita & Red River post. This point is on or situated near the great thor- oughfare transversed by the northern indians in making their descent on the settlement, near it and in the vicinity of the In- dian Reserves. If established and provided with an active and energetic though it might be a small force, there is scarcely a doubt to be entertained of the satisfactory influence it would exercise in restricting the wild and predatory bands north of Red River. The Resolution on this subject was recommended by me to the Legislature, after the most thorough investigation I had been able to give the subject, and I must think it well worthy of the consideration of the dept. in providing the means of
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