247 your absence see that they receive due protection, and that their reasonable wants are provided for. The necessary expenses of travel subsistence, Ferriages &c, alike indispensable in their character, will be paid out of the ap- propriation made by law, on your warrant addressed to the Governor for the same. It is especially desirable that in performing the duties of agent, you should keep in view the welfare and happiness of the Indians, to promote which, you will see at all times to the due and proper protection of life and property, and as far as practi- cable control and direct their intercourse with the Whites. If you should not reside at their agency, it will be important that you should visit them as often as occasion shall require your aid, in the transaction of their business, and such other matters as may properly come within the purview of the law, constituting you Guardian, Protector and Friend. It is believed that the law does not contemplate the expendi- ture of .the appropriation, or any portion of it, except for your own salary, which will be allowed at the rate of 400$ dollars per annum, and such other objects as shall fully appertain to their removal and relocation, and should any unforeseen emergency arise requiring it you will communicate the same to this office for a[d]vice thereon Should a convenient and suitable site not be found on the unappropriated public domain, you will in no event transcend the appropriation in any contract you may make for the purchase of one. And any such contract must be subject to the satisfaction of the Governor For further instructions you will apply to this office when they shall be required
I I l I I
June 1858. Instructions to James Barclay Agent for the Coshatta Indians in Polk & Tyler Counties
Brazos Agency, Texas July. 5th 1858.
A few days since I received a message from Capt Ross, re- questing me to visit the Brazos Agency in connexion with busi-
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