Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. V

239 swer to my proposition to raise a company for the regiment. Am I ruled off? It has been suggested by some for me to visit Austin I shall not do it. I am here by your order and shall leave when you direct me. Duty requires me here, and I shall remain regard- less of consequences to me personally. The hope of an office can not lure me from my post. This portion of the frontier is dreadfully exposed. The people are forting. Depredations have been committed at various points, and I have reasons to believe the Agency Comanches are the par- ties, and if I fix it upon them I shall give them hell and trust to the people to sustain me. Capt. A. Nelson has applied for authority to raise a company. He has seen considerable service, and will, I think, discharge the duties of captain ably and energetically. If not too late I shall run for Colonel. I suppose I should be the Runnels candidate as McCulloch has rather pulled against you, or at least it would be so put up, as they couple me with you in abuse. You know the arrangement between Capt. McC. and myself, and how signally he failed to comply. I am thankful that I had a little success without his assistance. If you can consistently with your duty and your feelings give me a fair show for the colonelcy I ask you to do so. The election may be over-or the cards may be stacked if the game is not too far advanced I should like to shuffle and have a hand dealt to me. I think there is a combina- tion to beat me, and under the circumstances it is equivalent to defeating you. Let things go as they may I am extremely grate- ful for past favors and shall endeavor to support your adminis- tration with all my ability. Make my respects to all Very truly yours JOHNS. FORD [Endorsed:] Jno. S. Ford


Austin May 28th 1858

Sirs I transmit herewith for your information a printed copy of Report of Capt. John S Ford &c commdg. Texas Rangers.

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