224 I have been requested by some of the Officers in charge of the ninety men called out by Govr. Pease in regard to their con- tinuance in the service. I have told them I was unacquainted with your views. Lt. Frost is at this point and will co-operate with me in the movement I have in contemplation The men are in fine spirits-are obedient, cheerful and anx- ious to get a fight. I shall report the result of my operations at the earliest opportunity I shall endeavor to do all I can with the means in my hands, to protect the frontier, if possible, and not over-run the appro- priation. I have the honor to be your very obdt. servt.
JOHN 8. FORD Capt. Commanding Texas Frontier
Gov. H. R. Runnels Austin, Texas.
[Endorsed:] John S. Ford Letter of and Reply
Brazos Agency Texas April 7th 1858.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of a communi- cation from you marked "private and confidential". I shall take great pleasure in obeying the suggestions contained in it. I have, in a few days since, reported my operations, and now write you from this point anticipating to have no other opportunity before leaving for the Comanche camps.- I am now here on business connected with the Expedition. Maj Neighbors assembled the chiefs, and head men, of the In- dians, and approved of what had been done. They have agreed to send as many men as can be spared from the field. Capt Ross, intimated a willingness to command them in person, provided they should furnish, at least, one hundred men. I judge a greater number will volunteer. This part of the matter will cost the State of Texas nothing. It will give efficiency to the expedition
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