199 suggest to our citizens to furnish immediate information if Dep- redations are committed-so as to give us a chance to act before the depredators get entirely out of our reach- I am very Respectfully Your Obt Servt ROBT. S. NEIGHBORS Supervisory agent Texas Indians To His Excellency E. M. Pease of Austin, Texas
Frederichsburg Texas Feb 28"1856
Hon E. M. Pease Sir
On yesterday morning some miles below here a party of eight Indians attacked one of our citizens who was on the road with his team, and fired a shower of arrows upon him, two of which took effect, one wounding him in the back, the other in the arm, neither are likely to prove fatal. The poor fellow defended himself as bravely as could have been expected under the cir- cumstances. If you will forward me a commission with the requisite pow- ers and instructions for raising a company of "mounted men" under the late Act of the Legislature I will use my utmost en- deavors to raise one, and think from present indications that I will succeed. Meanwhile believe me to be Your Excellencys Most Obedient servant.
F. C. Doss
Hon EM Pease Austin Texas
F. C. Doss Fredericksburg 28 Feb 1856
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