Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. V

17 -Also, a copy of a letter, subsequently received by me from the Sec'y of War, in which he consents that the troops comprized in said requisition, may be mustered in, provided their term of service be extended to twelve months, or during the war. You will please send back by Cap't Grumbles, the letters of the Adjutant General and Col. Harney, herewith enclosed. Hoping to hear from you by the bearer of this communica- tion, that an officer will be despatched over here, to muster in the remaining two companies, at an early day, I have the honor to remain

Very respectfully Your obt. servt.

(Signed) A. C. HORTON

S. Churchill Ins. Genl. Comdg. San Antonio

Copy of letter from Gov. Horton to Ins. Genl. Churchill- 8th. Oct. 1846 (Recorded)


No. 15 LETTER FROM A. C. HORTON TO WM. L. MARCY (Copy) Executive Department Austin, October 20th 1846.


A short time since, I received a letter from Adjt. Genl. Jones, dated the 5th ultimo, from which I inferred that the mounted volunteers, which had been raised for the protection of the Indian frontier of this state, under the requisition of Col. Harney of the 26th June last, (embracing five companies) would be received into the service of the U. States, and that instruc- tions to that effect had been sent to Lt. Col. Fauntleroy, then commanding at San Antonio. It is proper I should here state that two of those companies, had previously been mustered in by the orders of Brig Genl. Wool. Fearing that the letter of instructions referred to, might have miscarried, or not been received, I im- mediately despatched the above mentioned letter of the Adjt.

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