187 mounted force should be stationed upon our frontier, sufficient to range from Red river to the lower Rio Grande and intercept them whenever they attempt to pass into our settlements, or they must be collected within certain defined iimits, placed under the control of agents who are supported by a military force, suf- ficient to compel them to remain there, and must be furnished by the Government, with the means of living until they are taught to support themselves by agriculture. I am satisfied that unless the United States government acts upon these suggestions, the frontiers of this state will con- tinue to be annoyed by these Indians for years to come.
I have the honor to be Very respectfully Your obt Servt E. M. PEASE
Hon Jefferson Davis Secy of War
Copy of Letter to Secy of War 23 Sep 1854 Recorded
No. 136 LETTER FROM E. M. PEASE TO GENERAL PERSIFOR SMITH Executive Office Austin Texas 28 Sep 1854 Sir I received, about a week since, a letter from the Secretary of War dated 29 Aug last, in which he states that it has been deemed proper to apprise you that the Department disapproves the conditional requisition which you made for troops in your letter to me of the 29th July last. I replied to him on the 23rd inst. giving him the sense of my letter to you of the 8th of Au- gust and informed him that on your receipt of that letter you had on the 20th of August sent me an unconditional requisition for six companies of mounted men from the Militia of this State to be mustered into the service of the United States for twelve months unless sooner discharged. That the companies were be-
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