183 city for protection, having their homes and crops abandoned, and liable to be destroyed. This Committee on behalf of the Citizens earnestly solicit as far as is in your power to take such steps as will afford us aid and protection this frontier. All of which is respectfully submitted by this Committee. We have the honor to remain Your Excellency's Obedient servants. JNO. D. McLEOD J. M. CAROLAN RUSSELL How ARD F. L. PASCHAL
Letter from John D. McLeod & others of San Antonio with proceedings of meeting of Bexar county. Answered 24 June
PUBLIC MEETING His Honor the Mayor having called a Public Meeting by re- quest of the Citizens to take into consideration the continued depredations of the Indians, and to devise means of protection from further outrage;-At 8 o'clock the hour appointed, the Court House was crowded to Excess . . . His Honor the Mayor having called the meeting to order Thomas H. Stribling Esqr. was called to the Chair, and Messrs. C. E. Jefferson and D. A. Bickell were elected Secretarys of the Meeting. On Motion of His Honor Mayor Carolan, the Chair appointed Col. J. A. Wilcox, Dr. G. Cupples, C. G. Napier, John James, and Col. R. E. Clements, a Committee to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting. The Committee then retired, and returning reported the following "Whereas murders and depredations of late have been com- mitted upon the citizens of our frontier, and almost within sight of our city, thereby creating an alarm amongst the Settlers on the water courses west of San Antonio, which Threatens to de- populate a region of Country, holding out every inducement to Emigrants, save the Essential one of security and protection to life and property:-And, whereas, many families have deserted their fields and property, and fled to our city for safety:
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