15 to the volunteers themselves-They have been at much expense in buying good horses, having them shod, furnishing themselves with arms, blankets &c, to say nothing of the inconvenience to which they have been put, by leaving their homes, and usual occupations at this season of the year. I must therefore request your assistance in obtaining from the Sec'y of War, the necessary authority to enable me to have them mustered into the service, and I refer you to my communi- cation to him, and accompanying correspondence for a more full understanding of all matters connected with this subject. I have also written to the President, by this mail, and trust that he will approve of the employment of the volunteers in the manner originally intended. Should there be any difficulty in regard to the service of the troops for 6 months only, they will readily enlist for twelve months, if required to do so.
Very respectfully Your obt. Servt. A. C. HORTON
To. Hon. T. J. Rusk U.S. Senate & Messrs. Pilsbury & Kaufman Ho. Reps
(Copy) Governor Horton to Messrs. Pilsbury and Kaufman Representatives and Thos. J. Rusk Senator- August 10th 1846 (Recorded)
Executive Department Austin, October 8th. 1846
Sir, I returned to this place on yesterday, after an absence of some weeks, and avail myself of the earliest opportunity, to ad- dress you upon the subject of mustering into the service of the
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