Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. V

173 I am not certain that the depredations at Laredo was com- mitted by Comanches; But I do know that only one small band out of the whole Comanche Tribe, profess to be our friends, and that the Warriors from all the Comanche bands are continually on the War Path, and will rob our settlers and murder our Citi- zens whenever they have an opportunity and those Chiefs who are friendly of the Southern Comanches say they cannot possibly control their Warriors so long as the Government permits the more Northern bands to depredate with impunity I would be pleased if you would urge upon the Genl Govt. the immediate adoption of a definite system for the management of the Texas Indians. I have furnished the Department with all the suggestions that my Experience with the Indians assures me would lead to a termination of our Indian troubles but as yet there has been no action. Consequently the Indian Agents, no matter how active they may be in the discharge of their duties, can effect but little towards preventing the depredations that so frequently occur on our borders, as they have nothing to rely upon but the personal influence they may be able to Exercise over the Indians

Very Respectfully

Your obdt servant

ROBT S. NEIGHBORS Special Indian agent &c.

His Excellency EM Pease

Austin, Texas

R S Neighbors San Antonio 10 April 1854


No. 129 LETTER FROM GEORGE B. ERATH TO GOVERNOR E. M. PEASE Waco April 17 1854 To his Excellency E M. Pease Govnr of the state of Texas Dear Sir Tendering my compliments to your position and regarding our former acquaintance I beg leave to transmitt to you a petition of part of the Citizens of Bosque and McLennan county i have just returned from the uppermost settlements and above where i had repaired in the late incursions of a few indians a matter to

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