171 fearing then, that they would annoy our settlements, I Endeav- oured through Mr Luntzel, to persuade them to remain, but hav- ing little or no inducements to offer them they declined as they could get no protection by the US. authorities- I was informed on my recent visit to the Comanches, by San-a-co-principal Chief of the Southern Comanches, that the authorities of the State of Chihuahua in Mexico, had made a similar arrangement with some of the Northern Comanches, and that there were sev- eral hundred of them now in Mexico being considered as friendly, in that State, and depredating on the State of Coahuila and the lower Rio Grande, and I much fear unless we use great precau- tion, that those Indians will commit serious depredations on the lives and property of our Citizens on the lower Rio Grande, as they are frequently joined in their forays by Mexican Robbers and Desparadoes, and I learn since my arrival here that there were Mexicans with the Indians who attacked Mr Bee's Carts I deem this a proper occasion to call your attention particu- larly to the unsatisfactory situation of our Indian relations, and to give it as my opinion that our Indian difficulties will increase instead of diminishing unless the Genl Govt. will adopt more Efficient measures for their subjugation and government There is no definite Treaty or other regulation for the gov- ernment of any Indian Tribe in Texas; and up to the present time the Genl Govt has not given directions or authority to either of the Indian agents-or the Military authorities to bring them to account for their numerous Murders and thefts. They are per- mitted to depredate upon our Citizens with perfect impunity, and are not held accountable; nor are they even bound by any agree- ment, not to depredate. Since my appointment as Indian Agent, I have regularly reported to the Indian Bureau Every depredation that came within my knowledge; The Murder of Mr Stuarts party-the capture of Mrs Wilson, &c &c, as well as, that there are a large number of Prisoners now captives with the Indians, and asked for instructions and the adoption of measures for their relief, but have received none, and so far as I know the Genl Govt. has taken no steps whatever either to Effect the release of the Prisoners, or chastize these murderers and depredators All of our Exertions thus far, for the release of the 2 Wilson Boys have failed. A party of Delawares and Caddoes went out from Phan- tom Hill for the purpose of trying to effect their release by pur- chase but failed- They report that the Northern Comanches who captured Mrs Wilson (the Tenawish band of Comanches) assume a very threatening attitude and threaten to come down
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