places between Nueces, Leone and Frio, up above all the roads and round to the Rio Grande, finding nothing in the shape of a Trail, returned to Camp on the 23th of Decbr. AU well. I left Camp with fifty Men on the 28th of Decbr to visit Chicon, Turkey-Creek, Los Tomoras, Devils River and the upper Rio Grande on one Month Scout. Thos. Donald orderly Sergeant has to leave according my orders on the first of January 1853 ·.vith 25 Men to visit all places between here and Black point. Further reports to be sent after the return of both scouting parties. OWEN SHAW Capt Comd. T. Rangers
Laredo 28th of Decbr 1852.
[Endorsed:] Report of Captain Owen Shaw, Texas Mounted Volunteers, of the movements and field operations of his company. La- redo, Texas.- December 28, 1852. Recd. at the Exec: Dept: State of Texas. -Austin, Jany 7th 1853.
No. 113 LETTER FROM EDWARD J. MCLANE TOP. H. BELL (1852] (Copy) To His Excly P.H. Bell, Gov: of State of Texas. Sir: In consequence of the exposed position of this frontier and the continued depredations being committed by our Mexican neighbors and Indians the citizens have met and former! themselves into two volunteer companies for the protection of the frontier. As I have had the honor to have been elected Capt. of Co. "B", I am requested to respectfully represent to you the facts, and request that you sanction without delay the company as mounted volunteers, and furnish us with arms and ammuni- tions suitable for such companys.
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