Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. V

102 or should hereafter determine to do so many of our citizens would be much gratified to have an opportunity of volunteering. My friend Col B. Warren Stone a lawyer of this place has probably made application to you or will hereafter do so, for au- thority to raise a company. I write for the purpose of addirig my testimony to that which will be presented to you as to his emi- nent qualifications and fitness for such a position. If not incon- sistent with previous arrangements or your inclination on the subject, I feel much gratified at his appointment. Trust and .be- lieve that you will give his application an impartial hearing. Your have doubtless heard of the movement of the people of this county in relation to the Agent of the "Texas Emigration and Land Company." The most intense excitement has prevailed throughout the Colony. I tr.ust you will suspend your opinion about the matter for the present, and credit none of the state- ments which "Rumor with her thousand tongues" will circulate to our prejudice. The facts will all be placed before the public in a few days. Upon them you can form an impartial judgment In haste Your very obt Servt J. W.- LATIMER [Endorsed] Military Appointment Col. B. Warren Stone Recommended to raise a company of volunteers by J. W.

Latimer Esq. Dallas, Texas June 29, 1852. Recd at the Exec. Dept. State of Texas Austin, August 2, 1852

No. 82 LETTER FROM JAMES W. THROCKMORTON TOP. H. BELL McKinney July 30 [1852) His Excellency P.H. Bell Dr. Sir- You have doubtless before this time heard of the Indian difficulties on our immediate frontier. Accounts that can be re- lied upon are coming in every day of the manifestations of the hostile intentions of some of the wild tribes. I have to day had a conversation with a citizen of this County who is direct from

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