No. 80 LETTER FROM FLORIAN DE BRAUNECK TO P. H. BELL [JULY 26, 1852] To His Excellency P. H. Bell Governor of the State of Texas: The undersigned, ex-Major of Polish lancers during the struggle of Poland with Russia, has served twenty years in the army-he has been a citizen of Texas since the year 1844, which Country he selected as an asylum from persecution-he repre- sents that his predilection for military life led him to serve in Capt. McCown's Company of Rangers, and also to accompany the Government train of Capt. French, U. S. A. to El Paso-Identi- fied with Texas; familiarized' with the system of indian warfare from long residence on the Western frontier; and moved more- over by the conviction that he can be of service lo those of his fellow citizens who asocations preclude them from a more active life;-he respectfully proposes to your Excellency a plan for the defence of a portion of Western Texas which, it is hoped, com- bines efficiency with economy. Your Excellency is doubtless in- formed of the abandonment of the post at Fort Lincoln. on the Leon, by the General Government. This action leaves a tract of Country exposed to the incursions of indians 90 miles in extent, and they have very recently made their appearance between the Leon and Leona. If, during the existence of the military post on the Seco the indians continued their depredations, what danger to life and property may we not anticipate since the abandon- ment of that post! These considerations joined to a Knowledge gained in the service as well as privately, of the points most fre- quented by indians, and the confidence the citizens of Medina County express in my adaptability for this species of service, to the undersigned has the honor of submitting to your Excellency the following propositions: 1st To raise in Medina County a Company of fifty mounted men, ready for active service, to serve for one year, each man providing himself with a good horse. 2nd The State to furnish the Company with a rifle and pistols. 3rd The State to furnish the necessary forage for the horses and $6.00 per month to each man in lieu of rations, which will be their sole pay. 4th The officers to consist of Captain and two Lieutenants,
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