Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



dred and Seventy Six 50/100 Dollars on acct of draft drawn in his favor by Patton and Clark and Jordan on acct Shawnee Ir..dians. To James Reily, Esq Nacogdoches THO J RUSK JA. S. MAYFIELD [E:wforsed] Recd. the within 22 Sept 1839 K. H. Douglass Comm Comm

No. 65


$ 1187.50 Nacogdoches 18 Sept 1839 Please pay to Messrs. Thorn Edwards & Co. or Order Eleven Hundred and Eighty Seven 50/100 Dollars on acct of paym.ent made to Shawnee Indians. To James Reily Esq Nacogdoches THO J RUSK J A. S. MAYFIELD Comm Comm

[End<m;ed] Sept 22nd 1839 Received the amount of the within ol'der from James Reiiy

Thom Edwards & Co.

No. 66 ACCOUNT INDIAN BUREAU [September 28, 1839]

Dr. James Reily in acct Curr~nt with the Republic of Texas For Bal on two drafts on the .Merchants Bank of New Or- leans for 27,000 dated June 27th 1839. 21,000 of which was returned to the Office cf the City Bank of New Orleans at Natchitoches UI!der instructions from the In-

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