Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



Very Respectfully Your Obt Servt A. SIDNEY JOHNSTON Secretary of War I certify the foregoing to be a true copy, as recorded in this Department. Tho Gales Forster Chief Clerk Dept. of War Of the twenty one thousand dollars 1·ecd by the Hon Secy of War as stated in the annexed communication, seventeen thou- sand dollars was duly returned Austin March 6 1840 Ja. H. Starr Secy of Treas [Endorsed] Copy of a letter from Hon Se:cy at War to the Secy of the Tl'easury Relative to the $4,000 advanced to Hon A. S. Johnston on a/c of the removal of the Shawnee Indians (signed) Hon. James H. Starr Secretary of the Treasury No. 56 LETTER FROM JAMES S. MAYFIELD AND THOMAS J. RUSK TO JAMES REILY Nacogdoches 3d Septr 1839 Maj James Reily Sir You will deliver and pay over to Mr. Moses L. Patton the sum of three thousand Eight hundred and fifty dollars who is charged with the disbursemE:nt of the same to the Shawnee indians JA. S MAYFIELD THO J RUSK 1 f Commissioners [Emlori;er/] Nacogdoches Sept :le! 1839 Ri,cil!Yed from James Reily the sum of three thousand eight hun<li·ed and fifty dollus in specie, being the amount called for by the within order signed by Indian Commissioners T. J. Rusk and James S. Mayfield. Moses L. Patton Witness Wm Hart

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