Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



I remain very respectfully

your obt servt JA. H. STARR Secretary of the Treasury

[Endorsed] Hon J. H. Starr containing rect of 21,000 certificate and order for 4,000$ more Treasury Department Maj James Reily Care of Wm Hart Esqr Mr Gray No. 55 LETTER FROM ALBERT SIDNEY JOHNSTON TO JAMES H. STARR War Department To the Hon. Houston 31st August 1839 James H. Starr Secretary of the Treasury Sir: I have the honor to acknowl- edge the receipt of your letter of the 28th Inst.; in which I am informed, that the amount of one hundred and Nine Thousand, Ninety Six and 39.,'100 Dollars will be held subject to drafts from this Department to cover the cost of certain Military sup- plies estimated, and to be purchased in the United States. I also acknowledge the rece·ipt of a certificate of deposite, for Twenty one Thousand Dollars, on the Office of the City Bank of New Orleans at Natchitoches, dated August 24th 1839, No. 193: which has been transmitted by Mr. P. Gray to the Office, with instructions to draw four Thousand Dollars upon it, and pay it over to Majr. J. Reily to be disbursed by him, (as also four Thousand Dollars, he now has in his possession) under the direction of the Commissioners, for the removal of the Shawnee -:in the payment of the Compensation allowed for their im- provements etc. At your suggestion, Mr Gray was instructed to procure from the Ca':lhier, Three drafts of Five Thousand Dollars each, and one of Two Thousand Dollars for the remainder.

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