Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



Treasy Dept March 6 1840

Ja. H. Starr Secy of Treay "No. 7"

Rileys Rect.

Received from James Reily the duplicate certificate of Deposit for twenty one thousand dollars on the office of the City Bank oi New Orleans at Natchitoches, dated 14 August 1839. The original being already in my possession (signed) PETER GRAY

[Endorsed] Duplicate certificate of Deposit for $21,000

No. 54 LETIER FROM JAMES H. STARR T9 JAMES REILY Treasury Department Houston Augt 28th 1839

To Col James Reily Nacogdoches Sir,

Your communication of the 17th inst. notifying this De- partment of the deposit of twe-nty .one thousand dollars of the money in your hands belonging to the Government in the office of the City Bank of New Orleans at Natchitoches, and covering a corresponding C!;!rtificate (original) from the Cashier C. G. Oehmichen, dated August 14th 1839; was received by Col. J. Snively on the 26th and the above amount placed to your credit. I am called upon to day by the Hon. Secretary at War to furnish a sum of four thousand dollars, in addition to the amount retained in your possession by order of the Indian Commission- ers, to enable them to complete the negotiation with the Shaw- nee; to comply with which request I have been under the neces- sity of placing at his disposal the above mentioned Certificate of Deposit which I presume will be returned by the bearer to Nac- ogdoches- This oversight or inadvertence on the part of the Com- missioners has been productive of unnecessary expense and trouble.

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