Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



No. 46


July 22nd 1839 Received from James Reily the sum of One hundred and fifty dollars for transportation of twenty five boxes of silver from Natchitoches to Nacogdoches D. 0. NEILL [Endorsed] Neills rect.

No. 47

LETTER FROM ALBERT SIDNEY JOHNSTON, THO. J. RUSK, AND JAS. S. MAYFIELD TO JAMES REILY Nacogdoches August 1st 1839 James Reily Sir The twenty five thousand dollars which you have here subject to the order of the Commissioners appointed to treat with the Cherokee and their Associate Bands, you will reconvey with due despatch to Natchitoches Louisiana, reta'ining however four thousand dollars subject to the order of the Commissioners appointed to treat with the Shawnee. You will deposit the $ 21,000 in some one of the Branches of the New Orleans Banks at Natchitoches, taking from the proper offices of said Branch a certificate of Deposit. Said certificate to be in the name of Mira- beau B. Lamar President of the Republic of Texas, Said cer- tificate you will despatch by a safe opportunity to the said Pres- ident Mirabeau B. Lamar. You will advise the President im- mediately through the Secretary of the Treasury your proceed- ings in the premises. A. SIDNEY JOHN$TON THO J RUSK JA. S. MAYFIELD f Bndur.~e,I] Di!·ections from Indian Commissioners August 1st 1839

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