Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



of Bowls on the Neches-Col. Landrum crossed on the west side of the Neches and up the river. The Regiments under Col. Burle- son and Rusk moved directly to ihe Camp of Bowls, upon reach- ing which it was found to be abandoned, their trail was ascer- tained and a rapid pursuit made, about six miies above their e1~campment in the vicinity of the Delaware ViJlage, at the head of a prairie they were discovered by the spie company under Capt. J as. Carter and a detachment of about 25 from Capt Todd's company lead by Genl. Rusk. The enemy displayed from the point of a hill. Genl. Rusk motioned to them to come on. They advanced and fired four or five times and immediately occupied a thicket and ravine on the left, as we advanced the lines were immediately formed and the action became general, the ravine was instantly charged and flanked on the left by Col. Burleson with a part of his Regiment, the rest of Burleson's Regt. was lead by Lieut. Col. Woodlief, a portion of Genl. Rusk's Regiment charging at the same time; and another portion took a positio11 on a point of a hill to the right and drove a party who attemptecl to flank us from that quarter, thus instantly driving the enemy from the ravine and thicket, leaving eighteen dead on the field, that have been found, and carrying off as usual their wounded, as was seen by many of our men, our loss in the engagement was two killed, one wounded mortally, and five slightly, to wit Doct N. Rogers of Capt Tipp's company, John Crane of Harri- son's, H. P. Crouser of do company, Hooper, H. M. Smith, and Ball of Col. Burleson's command, Jo. Anderson of Capt. Lewis's company, Solomon Albright of Capt Vancikle's company, and George S. Daughter of Capt. Box's company, slightly. Col. Lan- drum was not able having so much further to march to partici- pate in the engagement, but has been ordered to join this morn- ing. All behaved so gallantly it would be invidious to particular- ise, the action commenced about half an hour before sun down which prevented pursuit, most of their Baggage was captured, five Kegs of Powder, 250 lbs lead, many horses, Cattle, Corn, and other property

By order of K. H. DOUGLASS Brig. Genl. Comdg T. A.

J~. S. Mayfield

Aid de camp

[Endorsed] Report of Gen. K. H. Douglass of the Engagement with the Chel'okee, on the 15th of July 1839.

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