Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



No. 44 BILL OF LADING [July 9, 1839]

Shipped in good order and well conditioned by James Reily on board the Steam Boat called the Velocipede whereof P Dalman is Master, now lying at the Port of New Orleans, and bound for Natchitoches To say: J Reily Twenty five Boxes specie 25 Boxes being marked and numbered as in the margin; and are to be delivered in the like order and conditioned, at the Port of Natchitoches (the dangers of the rivers only excepted,) unto James Reily or to his assigns, he or they paying freight for the One half pcent In witness whereof, the Master or Clerk of the said Boat hath affirmed to three Bills of Lading, all of this tenor and date: one of which being accomplished, the others to stand void. Dated in New Orleans, the ninth day of July 18 39 E PARKER No. 45 REPORT OF K. H. DOUGLASS TO A. SIDNEY JOHNSTON [July 16, 1839] Report of Genl. K. H. Douglass of the engagement with Chero- kees on the 15th July 1839

HeadQuaters Camp Carter 16th July 1839

A. Sidney Johnston Sec. of War Sir,

On yesterday the negotiation on the part of the Commissioners having failed, under your or- ders the whole force was put in motion towards the encampment

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