Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I




J. Reily Esq


I am instructed by the President to request that you will proceed with all dispatch to New Orleans and on your arrival there will present the two checks for 25,000 ancl 2,000$ with which you have been furnished for payment. The 2,000$ are designed to defray your own ex- penses and other Contingencies. If they are paid, you will without delay repair with the funds to Nacogdoches, where you will find the Commissioners appointed to direct and superintend the removal of the Cherokee Indians, to whose instructions you will co11form in disposing of the funds. You will use all diligence in the transportation of the funds, which you will procure to be paid to you in silver. It may be prudent to cause insurance to be made on them as far at Natchitoches, and if you shall deem it advisable you may employ an escort to conduct them from tnat point to Nacogdoches. Should the checks not be paid on presentation, you will remain in New Orleans for ten days, and if the money is not to be had by that time you will proceed to Nacogdoches with dispatch and apprise the Commis- sioners of that fact. The Commissioners will probably send an escort to meet you at Natchitoches, but you must not tarry on that account. The President has im- plicit confidence in your carefulness and integrity, and commits all minor matters to your good discretion With greatest respect I am Your Obdt Servant (Signed) I the undersigned acting Secty of State do certify the fore- going L~ a true copy of a letter of instructions as per Record of the Department of State. Given under my hand and Seal of Office at the city of Austin this 23rd day of March A. D. 1840 Joseph Waples DAVID G. BURNET Actg Secty of State

Copy of Instructions to James Reily


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