Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



fore appointed you Commissioners on the part of the Republic. to make the necessary arrangements for carrying this measure into effect. Your assembling at Nacogdoches, or such other point as you may find more Convenient for your operations which you are requested to do as early as practicable you will inform yourselves of the best mode of procuring the removal of the Cherokee be- yond the Red River, and take such steps as will accomplish that object with as little delay as circumstances will admit. It is desirable that this should be done in a peaceful and friendly manner, and to render the proposition acceptable to the Indians, you are authorized to make them a fair and liberal Compensation for their improvements, Crops and such other property as they will be unable to take with them out of the Country, the amount of which to be ascertained by appraisers which I have appointed for that purpose: but in Consenting to make them this Com- pensation, you will not agree to pay them more than one fourth part of it in cash, the residue to be paid in goods, which is un- derstood the merchants of Nacogdoches and San Augustine will advance at fair prices on the Credit of the Government. Pre- vious however to making any stipulations to this effect with the Cherokee, you will have a distinct understanding with the Mer- chants, that they will receive from them in payment for goods such scrip or Orders as you may issue to them, and that they will supply a Sufficient quantity of goods at fair prices, to re- deem all the Scrip or Orders which you may thus issue. If you find that it will be acceptable to the Indians to receive the whole amount of the Compensation agreed to be given them for their improvements and Other property, in goods, you will adopt that as the preferable mode of making payment, but if they express a decided wish to receive a part in cash, you will stipulate to pay them One fourth of the Amount in money, pro- vided it does not exceed Twenty five thousand dollars, but in no event will you agree to pay a larger Sum than 25,000$ in cash, nor will you pay them any money or issue to them any Scrip for goods until the property agreed to be paid for has been delivered to such persons as may be appointed by the Sec- retary of War to receive and take charge of it. You will also have it understood that after they have received their Scrip, only a limited time (Which you will designate) will be allowed for its Negotiation, immediately after the expiration of which they will

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