Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I




measure for the defence of its rights and the protection of its people. Your Friend MIRABEAU B. LAMAR

No. 35 LETTER FROM }I. B. LAMAR TO LINNEY, THE SHAWNEE [May, 1839] To Linney ar.d other Chiefs and Headmen of the Shawnee. Brothers: We have long Suspected that the Cherokee were our Secret enemies. that while we were treating them with Kindness, and they were professing friendship for us, they were holding dark councils with the Mexicans. These Suspicions are now reduced to absolute proof. The treachery and the hostile mach- inations of the Cherokee have been fully discovered. They have listened to the forked tongue of the Mexicans, who are always Women in war, and wiley Serpents in peace; ancl they have foolishly plighted their faith to the faithless. The Cherokee can no longer remain among us. They must return to the land appropriated by their great father the Presi- dent of the United States for the permanent re~idence of their people. I hope they will go in peace and return no more for ·we have no wish to Shed the blood of the Red rrien. Brothers! You are not Cherokee and we believe you ha\'e not participated in their crafty and treacherous devices, or min- gled your voices in their wicked Councils. Be admon'ished and refrain from all conusion with them, and with their impotent advisers beyond the Rio Grande. The Mexicans can render them no aid. They will fulfill no promise they may make to them or to you: for they are strong only in words. But they are willing to See the white men and the red men employed in the mutual destruction of each other. They are ,,·olves who profit by the conflicts of nobler animals. We are much Stronger now than when we conquered the'ir best armies headed by their greatest war Chief and drove them from our Soil. Let not the Shawnee be deceived. The Mexicans will never return in battle

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