Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



otherwise disposed of without advice from us. They also made some statements relative to their great numbers which were constantly increasing, and the cooperation of the Shawnee who were near, to which was replied, our numbers are small, Corne on. The attack was not repeated. The number Killed on the part of the enemy 'it was impossible to Know but must have been very considerable. Our men were furnished with about 3 shots each, which during the first attack ~pon the village were dis-. charged with great accuracy at only a few feet distance, and in many instances by placing the muzzle against the object, add to this their exposed condition in their repeated attacks upon us and the unering accuracy of our riflemen justifies the belief that their loss must have been very great. In supposing their loss to have been 30 or 40 Killed and 50 or 60 wounded l _make an estimate much below what I believe to be correct. Loss on our side Killed none, mortally wounded one, since dead. Slightly wounded 6- We also lost a considerable number of horses in all including those which had previously died from various· causes 46. One of our men Mr Wilson from LaGrange was_ accidently wounded on our way up and dispatched homewards with two men, since dead. Our force in the engagement con- sisted only of 63 white men and 16 Indians. Total 79 Taken by the Lipan Indians 93 head of horses and mules only 46 of which have been received here. Much credit is due to Capt. Wm M. Eastland and Lieut. N. W. Dawson also to Lt. N. M. Bain of the Bastrop company and Adjutant Wm Bugg for the strict a.nd prompt obedience to orders and their general officer like conduct, and to the men and officers in general for their bravery on the field of battle and their subordination arid good conduct. J. H. MOORE Command~nt of Companies [Endorsed] Engagement of Capt. J. H. Moore with the Comanche on Spring Creek, February 13th 1839

No. 33


Fannin County May 28 1839

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