Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



No. 32 REPORT OF CAPT. J. H. MOORE TO ALBERT SIDNEY JOHNSTON Capt. J. H. Moore's Report of a Battle with the Comanche on the 15th Feby 1839 LaGrange March 10th 1839 Mr Sydney Johnston Secy of war Sir, I herewith transmit you the muster rolls of 3 volunteer companies, which in conformity to an act of congress dated authorizing the raising of volunteer companies for the protection of the frontier, were organized on the 25th Jany. last at the uper Settlements on the Colorado, and placed under my command to proceed against the Comanche and other hostile Indians on our northwestern fron- tier--From this place we proceeded on the morning of the 26th directly up the Colorado, On the 13th of Feby. our Spies which from the mouth of the Llano had been Kept in advance entered and reported that they had discovered an Indian en- campment or village (Comanche) on a small Stream called Spring Creek, in the valley of the San Saba. On the succeeding day we marched about an hour under cover of the timber of the Colorado bottom, we then deposited our packs and baggage in a place of security and proceeded onwards still seeking the cover of timber and valley to a place about 10 miles from the village, where we remained until after sunset--after night we pro- ceeded to within a mile of the village, where we dismounted and tied our horses in a valley and having put 8 Lipans on horseback with orders to Stampede the enemies Caballado (Caballardo) proceeded on foot to within 300 yards of the Town, Still Keeping our spies in advance, The LaGrange company under Capt Wm M. Eastland formed the right wing, the Bastrop company Capt. Smithwick the center and the Lipan under Castro their chief the left, the attack was make after daybreak, by marching Capt Eastland's company in advance down between the timber and the village whose skirts run parallel to each other, for the pur- pose of having the timber in our rear and driving the enemy towards the prairie, when opposite the centre of the Town we were discovered by the enemy at which moment I ordered a charge which was promptly obeyed and carried to near the

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