Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



with the Republic of Texas which there own good and that of there posterity require - Artlcle 5th This treaty shall be obligatory on the nations or tribes from and after the date hereof and on the Republic of Texas from and after its Ratification by the Government there- of. Dun and signed and sealed near the mouth of Washita at Shaw- nee vilage Fannin County Republic of Texas one thousand Eight hundred and thirty eight Sept 2nd SILAS C COLVILLE HOLLAND COFFEE Com. of the Rep. of T.


Oso X Keechi Chief

TOCARAWATE X Tawakoni Chief CARAWATTA X and ORAHSTA X Tawehash Captains ICHATA X and WAKKA X Waco Captains [Endorsed] Treaty with the Tawakoni -- Keechi etc. Indians 2nd Sept 1838 by Holland Coffee

No. 30 LETTER FROM CHARLES S. TAYLOR TO R. A. IRION Naco~doches Oct 28th 1838

Dear Friend, I shall start today with Gen Rusk on another Campaign against the Indians, I think it is possible I shall be absent about a month, perhaps not so long, at all events I believe it will be the last trip I shall make for some time for should I return un- harmed, I am resolved to seek a more peacable location, believ- ing as I do, that this place is doomed to be the theatre of noise and confusion for some years to come, I have withstood such a state of things long enough-I am now tired. I have been very remiss in not having forwarded to you the returns of such officers as are to be commissioned by the Presi- dent, If any thing will operate as an excuse, it "is the fact that

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