Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I

was illegible or torn, or where the orthography was such as to render its meaning doubtful. The printed copy was read numer- ous times against the original manuscript, and [sic] was •inserted only when there was a feeling that a doubt would remain in the reader's mind about strange spelling, a date, or a fact. When an original document was not used, a notation has been given. Unfortunately the identification of individuals mentioned in the documents could not be included because of the limited appro- priation and lack of time. An effort has been made to maintain consistent spelling with reference to proper names, localities, Indian tribes, and the like. Guides used for such spellings were F. W. Hodge (ed.), Handbook of American lndiam North of Mexico (1907), W. P. Webb and H. Bailey Carroll (eds.), Hand- book of Texas (1952), and the Southwestern Historical Quarter- ly. The State Archivist owes more than the ordinary note of thanks to members of the Archives staff who assisted in the publication. James M. Day laid the ground work, so to speak. on the style and format to be used. When Mr. Day was trans- ferred to the Legislative Reference Division of the State Library, the work was ably carried on by George R. Nielsen and Albert D. Pattillo, who have typed copy, checked spelling, read proof, and solved many problems too numerous to elaborate here. A portion of the typing and the index was done by Mrs. Irene Sanchez, Miss Carol Perkins, and J. R. Patterson. A word of thanks is extended to Mrs. Fischer Osburn, Assistant Archivist, for carrying on the archival functions which permitted the ar- chivist to devote the time necessary to bring out the publication within a rather tight schedule. To State Librarian Witt B. Harwell goes appreciation for the support and cooperation he gave to the project from the .start. Dr. H. Bailey Carroll, Professor of History at the Uni- versity of Texas, was frequently consulted and.his many valuable suggestions are deeply appreciated. Special thanks are extended to Mr. Thomas W. Streeter of Morristown, New Jersey, to Pro- fessor William R. Hogan of Tulane University, and to the University of Oklahoma Press for the use of the map of "Prin- cipal Communities and Roads in Settled Area of Republic of Texas Based on a map by Richard S. Hunt and Jesse F. Randel, 1845." DORMAN H. WINFREY State Archivist June 8, 1959

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