Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



No. 29 TREATY BETWEEN TEXAS AND THE KEECHI, TAWAKONI, WACO, AND TAWEHASH TRIBES OF INDIANS [September 2, 1838] Treaty with the Keechi Tawakoni Waco and Tawehash nation and those associate band or tribe of Indians. For the purpose of establishing and perpetuating peace and friendship between the Republic of Texas and the Keechi, Tawa- koni Waco and Tawehash nations and these associated bands or tribes of Indians. The president of the Republic of Texas has to accomplish this desirable object appointed Holland Coffee Commissioner on the part of the Republic of Texas and the said Holland Coffee has meet the Chiefs warriors and Representatives of the tribes above mentioned near the mouth of Washita at the Shawnee village 'in the Republic of Texas and after full delibera- tion the said nations or tribes have agreed with the Republic of Texas upon the following Article. . . . Article 1st There shall be perpetual peace and friendship be- tween all the Citizens of the Republic of Texas and all the In- dians composing the Keechi Tawakoni Waco and Tawehash na- tions and these associate bands or tribes of Indians. Article 2nd Every injury or act of hostility by one or other of the contracting parties on the other shall be mutually for- given and forever forgotten - Article 3rd The Keechi Tawakoni Waco and Tawehash nations and there [their?] associated bands or tribes of Indians severally agree and bind themselves to pay full value. for any injury there people may do to the goods or property of such Trader as the president of the Republic of Texas may place near there settlements or hunting grounds for the purpose of trading with them. Article 4th It is agreed by the commissioners of the Republic of Texas that in consequence of the Keechi Tawakoni Waco and Tawehash nations and there associated bands or tribes of In- dians having fairly and willingly entered into this Treaty that they shall receive presents immediately after signing as a dona- tion from the Republic of Texas nothing being asked from these 11ntions or tribes of Indians in return except to remain at peace

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