Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



property or injure the persons of any of the Citizens belonging to the Republic of Texas. A1·t. 2. The Hon. R. A. Irion and Doctor Ashbel Smith Com- migsioners on the part of the Republic of Texas, being desirous that their Reel Brothers, the Comanche, may not be cheated by bad Men, will forthwith appoint an agent, who shall superintend their business, and protect their rights and see that this agree- ment is complied with by all. Al"t. 3. That such other persons who may be authorized to trade with the said Comanche shall have free and safe conduct through and from the Nation and the said Comanche hereby bind themseh·es not to trade with any other then such persons. A ,·t. 4. The Hon: R. A. Irion and Doctor Ashbel Smith Com- missioners on the part of the Republic of Texas hereby bind the R€public that as long as the said Comanche shall comply with the stipulations of this treaty they will punish any citizen of the Republic according to law, who may in any way infringe on the rights of the said Comanche or injure them in any way whatever. Art. 5. On the Second Monday of October of every year--- of the Chiefs or Chiefs and Warriors of the Comanche will be required to visit the seat of Government of this Republic that they may talk with the President. A,-t. 6. It is agreed that this treaty shall take effect, and be binding on the two contracting parties, from and after its sig- nature by the Chief Comanche and the commissioners of the Republic of Texas. •4,-t 7. Should any property of the citizens of Texas, be stolen or otherwise fall into the hands of any of the Comanche Tribe the Chiefs shall be bound to see that it is forthwith restored to the owner or the Agent of Government. A,-t. 8. The Comanche Chiefs bind themselves, that no stock shall be Killed, or horses taken or stolen, by their tribe, and :-hould the same be clone, the offender shall be 'punished according ~o his crime bv the Whites. . . A.1·t . . 9. The Comanche bind themselves to make war upon all tribes of Indians that may make or attempt to make war upon the trackrs appointed by the President of the Republic of Texas '

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