Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I





Art. 7. Should any property of the citizens of Texas be stolen by or otherwise fall into the hiinds of, any of the Tonkawa Tribe, the Chiefs shall be bound to see that it is forthwith restored to the owner, or, the agent of Govmt. Art. 8. The Tonkawa Chiefs bind themselves that no stock shall be killed or horses taken, or stolen by their tribe, and should the same be done, the offender shall be punished according to his crime. In testimony whereof they have hereunto set their hands, and affixed their seals, the day and date first above written. BARNARD E BEE [Seal]

Secy War GEO W. HOCKLEY Colonel of Ordnance CAMPOS his OQUIN his PLACIDO his X mark


[Seal of the Republ.ic of Texas]

[Seal] [Seal] [Seal]

X mark X mark BENEVIDO

J. G. Welschmeyer

Second Auditor and interpreter

Witnesses A. S. Thurston Quarter Master General Edward Hall Stephen Z. Hoyle

Actg. Private Secretary

Treaty with the Tonkawa tl'ibe of Indians 10th April 1838


No. 23 ORDER FOR GOODS FOR INDIANS [April 12, 1838]

Mr Hoyle will purchase for each of the Karankawa Chiefs one bolt of calico some Vermillion, and sixteen pounds of Tobacco. Let one merchant obtain the articles so as to make one acct City of Houston 12th Apr/38 SAM HOUSTON

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