Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



City of Houston by Hon. B. E. Bee, Secy of War and Col. G. W. Hockley Comrs. on the part of the Republic of Texas, and Gen- eral Campos, Colonel Oquin and Placido Benavido of the Tonka- Wl1 Tribe of Indians proclaims to all whom it ma:,, concern, that the public faith and honor of each of the contracting parties, is mutually and firmly bound for the performance of the several articles following, viz Art. I. The Tonkawa Tribe of Indians through their several Chiefs, being desirous of enjoying their hunting grounds, and homes, in peace, and also that their White Brothers may be more fully assured that they sincerely wish to love as Brothers, do agree and promise to bring to just punishment, such indi- viduals of their tribe, as may commit any depradations upon the property, or injure the persons of any of the Citizens be- longing to the Republic of Texas. Art. 2. Hon. B. E. Bee and Col. G. W. Hockley Comrs. on the part of the Republic of Texas being desirous that their Red Brothers the Tonkawa may not be cheated by bad Men, will forthwith appoint an Agent, who shall superintend their Busi- ness, and protect their rights, and see that this agreement is complied with by all. Art. 3 That such other persons who may be authorized to trade with the said Tonkawa, shall have free and safe conduct through ~rad from the Nation and the said Tonkawa hereby bind them- selves, not to trade with any ether than such authorized persons. Art. 4. Hon B. E. Bee and Col G. W. Hockley Comrs. on the part of the Republic of Texas, hereby bind themselves, that so long as the said Tonkawa shall comply with the stipulations of this treaty, they will punish any citizen of the Republic accord- ing to Law, who may in any way infringe on the rights of the said Tonkawa, or injure them in any way whatever. Art. 5. On the second Monday of October of every year, Five of the Chiefs or Chiefs and Warriors of the Tonkawa will be re- quired to visit the Seat of Govmt. of this Republic that they may talk with the President. Art. 6. It is agreed that this treaty shall take effect, and be binding on the two contracting parties, from and after its sig- nature by the Chiefs of the Tonkawa and the Commissioner of the Republic of Texas.

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