Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



intelligence might enable you to come to a more accurate con- clusion respecting all the circumstances; and if deemed neces- sary, whilst in the East, to take steps to counteract the machina- tions that are now going on with the Comanche. l have received no intelligence from our legation at London, since your departure: and but one short communication dated 11th February, from Genl. Hunt. It contains nothing of im- portance. Political matters at the seat of Government are tranquil. Colonel Ree and Govr. Smith are absent. W·ith the highest consideration and regard, I have the honor to be

Your Friend & obt Servt R. A. IRION

Gen Sam Houston President R. T.


Judge Birdsall and Mr Auchincloss desire me to present to you their best compliments. I had the pleasure yesterday to learn that you had arrived at Nacogdoches, but regret exceedingly that it was after the second of March. I hope you are enjoying yourself


Genl. Sam Houston


Nacogdoches March 14th 1838 Express

No. 20 ACCOUNT OF INDIAN BUREAU WITH W. B. BRONAUGH [April 7, 1838] 1838 Government of Texas Tonkawa Dr To W. N. Bronaugh April 7 To 3 Hats $4 $ 12.00 ,, H 6 Mack Blankets 6 30.00 ,, " 11 Blankets 2.50 27.50

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