Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I

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Packing and Baling

$ 5.00


$ 299.50 351.00

39 pr Blankets

$ 9

$ 650.50

Recd payment

March 24th 1838

C. C. Dibble & Co. By A. D. McGill

Houston 13 March 1838

Government of Texas

Bought of W D and R M Lee

1½ doz Broad Hatchets 2 4 9 1½ 6 100 " Shingle " " Butcher Knives " Cotton Hdkfs ,, ,, ,, " Looking Glasses bars Lead

$21 12

$ 31.50 24.00 20.00 27.00

5 3 4.50 3/ 00 20.00

6.75 2.25 20.00


Received payment in full from J G Welschmeyer W D and RM Lee

Houston March 16th 1838

The Government of Texas To C C Woodward Dr

$ 25.00

To Board for Lipan Indians March 24th 1838

CC Woodward

Republic of Texas

To C. Dikeman 7 Beau purses ........ .... .··-·- .. .. . . . . .... ... 8/ 2 ,, ,, --- ------------ --------- ----- --· . . ---- ----- -- . 5$ 2 Strmgs Beads ·----------------------- ...·-·-·. ·- .. _8/ . 1 Blanket Coat ------------------------------ --------·....... 1 pr Small Shoes -----·--·····-------··-·--··· ··------···--

7.00 10.00 2.00 18.00 1.00

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