Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



with this Republic, or such other persons and their property who may be invited to this Republic by its policy or authoritie!i shall not be molested nor disturbed by any of the Lipan while passing through any part of this Republic, excepting such In- dian tribes as the Lipan may be at open war with

,JAMES POWER (L. S.) CUELGAS DE CASTRO (L. 8.) his x mark

Signed, Sealed and delivered in good faith at Live Oak Point by James Power on behalf of the Republic of Texas and by Cuelgas de Castro ruling Chief of the Lipan on this Eighth day of January in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Thirty Eight in the presence of: Sam'l A. Plummer Geo. W. Sutton Thos Bines Interpreter R. D. Dunlap [Endorsed] Treaty with Lipan Indians

No. 17

DRAFT ON THE GOVERNMENT TO MCHUGH AND GERAGHTY [January 8, 1838] $200- The Republic of Texas will pay to Messrs McHugh and Geraghty on order Two Hundred dollars being the amount of their bill for goods furnished the Lipan Indians

Live Oak Point Jany 8th 1838


Your order on Treasurer-- Recd of Barnard E. Bee a draft on the Treasury for the above. ---McHugh and Geraghty [Endorsed] Indian Act, No. 7


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