Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



they in consideration of the same and with a further view to show their friendship to the Republic of Texas and her Citizens, clo agrf'e to deliver over to the Citizens of said Republic all Cattle, Horses, Mules or other property which may come into their hands, provided the right to the same can be established by marks, brands, or other lawfull means to be established by the Pre&ident of the Republic of Texas, provided that said Lipans shall be paid at the time of delivering such property a just and fair consideration for taking and delivering such property to the owners thereoff, the mode of proving the right to the same shall be prescribed by the President of the Republic of Texas. Art. 5. It is mutually agreed between the contracting parties that should any of the said Lipan commit any violence upon any of the citizens of the Republic or any outrages or wrongfull seizures of the property of the citizens of said Re- public, the said ruling Chief Castro agrees on the behalf of his people to deliver over to the authorities of sa·id Republic the Indians committing such violence, who shall be amenable to the laws of the Republic and restore the property taken and the Republic of Texas by James Power agrees, should any violence be done by any of the citizens of Texas to any of said Lipans upon report of the same being made by the Chief of the Lipan to the President of the Republic, to have the offenders punished according to the laws of Texas and to have their property re- stored to them, should proof be made that any of the Citizens of the Republic should have unlawfully taken the same and in no case shall either party take redress into their own hands, for outrages, violence, or wrongful] acts which any of the Lipan may commit upon the persons or property of the Citizens of Texas, or for any violence, outrages, or wrongfull acts, which may be committed by the Citizens of said Republic upon the persons or property of any of said Lipan Indians, but applica- tion for justice and redress shall be made by and through the ruling authorities of each of the contracting parties, according to the spirit and tenor of this article. Art. 6th. It is further agreed by the contracting parties that the persons and property of any of the Lipan shall be se- cure and not be disturbed by any of the Citizens of the Republic while they may be passing through any part of the same in a peaceful] manner, and the persons and property of the Citizens of the Republic and all other persons and their property at peace

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