Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



Read and adopted by Senate 19 Dr.cember 37 concurred in Arthur Robertson Secy. Senate

No. 16


A treaty of Peace and perpetual friendship between the Re- public ()f Texas and the Lipan tribe of Indians. The President of the Republic of Texas being solicitous to secure the peace and friendship of the Lipan tribe of Indians, has given James Power authority to make pledges and assur- ances of this·wish on behalf of said Republic, and with a view to further and secure the peace and friendship of said tribe of Indians, the said James Power does hereby enter into a treaty of Peace and Perpetual friendship with Cuelgas de Castro the principal and ruling Chief of the said tribe of Lipan Indians, who is vested with full power to act and treat for said tribe of Indians. Article 1st The Republic of Texas promises and hereby guarantees peace friendship and protection to said tribe of Lipan Indians while they remain peacable and in good faith, and do not disturb the citizens, their property nor in any manner act unworthy of the friendship of the Republ.ic of Texas. Art. 2nd. The Lipan Indians do hereby promise and sol- emnly pledge themselves to be and remain the perpetual friends of the Republic of Texas. Art. 3 The Republic of Texas with a view to manifest to the Lipans her desire to cultivate and secure their friendship and promote their interest and happiness, do agree to appoint a Trader or Traders or establish a trading House or Houses among them at such points or time as their wandering habits may per- mit that they may have such articles furnished them as their wants may require and their means enable them to purchase. Art. 4th. The Republic of Texas by James Power do as a pledge of friendship for said Lipans agree to give their Chief the value of Two Hundred and fifty dollars in articles which may administer most to the present wants of said Lipan, and

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