Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



the purposes of trade, subject to the requisitions of the 2nd ar- ticle--that is to say, no trader is to enter our Tribe with an in- tent to trade, without first obtaining a licence or passport from c•l.:r Trr·ding Agent: and for the prevention of future collissions, we bind ourselves and our Tribe not to trade with any persons who are not legally authorised to traffic among us. Article 4th The government of Texas also agrees to live on terms of peace and amity with the Tonkawa; and should the latter fulfill the stipulations mentioned above, it binds itself to punish all ag- gressions which may be committed by any of its citizens upon the Tonkawa tribe; provided sufficient evidence of guilt is ad- duced. Article 5th In conformity to the 2nd article of this treaty, I, H. W. Karnes, the Commissioner appointed by Government to treat with the Frontier Tribes, do th'is day constitute and appoint Nathaniel Lewis, the Trading Agent, of the Tonkawa tribe-the said Lewis to continue in office until removed by the Government. Article 6th This Treaty is to take effect and be binding upon the Tonkawa, when signed by the Chiefs and upon the Government of Texas when Constitutionally ratified. In testimony where of, the Representatives of the two con- tracting parties have hereunto set their names and affixed their seals this 22nd day of Nov. 1837. Tonkawa Chiefs


his x mark



his x mark



his x mark




Signed Duplicates.

Treaty between Col Karnes and Tonkawa Indians


To His Excellency Sam Houston, Houston, Texas Treaty with Col Karnes and the Tonkawa-

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