Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



dians resident in this Republick as properly under the superin- tendence and direction of the Govt. of the U. S. of America- And that they recommend the most urgent remonstrance to the U S Govt on that subject I. W. BURTON Chairman

Repo1t of the Indian Com.


No. 15


Texas Post of Bexar

Nov. 22nd, 1837 The following treaty of peace and amity was entered into at the Post of Bexar in the Republic of Texas, between the Tonkawa Tribe of Indians, thro' their Head Chiefs, on the one part, and the Republic of Texas, through its authorised Commissioner Col. Henry W. Karnes, of the other part. Article 1st We, the Chiefs of the Tonkawa tribe of Indians, being sensible that war is a great evil and attended with incalculable mischiefs, do this day promise to bury the Tomahawk and live upon terms of Peace and amity with the government of Texas. And in or- der to secure the blessings of peace, we do bind ourselves to bring to condign punishment such individuals of our tribe as may depradate upon the property or injure the persons of any of the citizens belonging to the Republic of Texas. Article 2nd As the desire of gain is an unconquerable passion in the human breast, and when united to a bad heart, the source of alJ the ills which afflict humanity, we do, to avoid the evils resulting from a direct intercourse with unprincipled men and to perpetuate the friendly relation which is this day established, require the Texfan Commissioner to appoint a Trading Agent, who shall regulate and have a controlling influence over the trade which may be carried on between the Tonkawa and the citizens of Texas. Article 3rd Full ingress and egress is allowed to the citizens of Texas for

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