Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



act was an unwarrantable assumption of Authority which was in no way obligatory on the Mexican Govt at that time nor on this Govt now. Your Committee are informed by Documents A. and B. here- with submitted that a treaty has lately been concluded between the Anadarko and Ioni Tribes of Indians and T J Rusk and K H Douglass on the part of this Republ'ick. Your Committee also learn by the submitted copys of in- structions to Jesse Watkins that a treaty is at this time nego- ciating between the Keechi Waco Tawehash and Tawakoni tribes on a part of them and this Republick. Your Committee as a review of the difficult bearings of this important subject Beg leave to offer the following resolutions: Resolved by the Senate of the Republick of Texas that they disapprove of and utterly refuse to ratify the Treaty or any articles thereof concluded by Sarni. Houston and Jn. Forbes on the 23rd day of February 1836 between the Provisional Govt. of Texas on the one part, and the "Head Chiefs" Head men and Warriors of the Cherokee on the other part In as much as that said Treaty was based on promises that did not exist and that the ope1·ation of it would not only be detrimental to the interests of the Republick but would also be a violation of the yested rights oi many Citizens. Resolved that the Senate advise and consent to ratification of a treaty entered into between T J Rusk and K H Douglass on the Part of the Republick of Texas and the Chiefs of the Joni and Anadarko Tribes of indians on the 21 day of August 1837. Resolved that the President of the Republick be authorized and advised to appoint. a Commiss'ioner or Commissioners and furnish them with instructions, such as he may deem most ex- pedient to him about friendly relations between the Comanche and this Republick Provided that no fee simple right of soil be acknowledged by this Govt in favor of these Indians. Resolved that should the Treaty in course of negociation by Jesse Watkins be perfected- The Senate deem that it would be advisable to establish not less than 3 Block Houses on the N<>rth- ern and Western frontier for the purpose of i)l"ctecting trad- ing Houses to be conducted under proposed Leg~l regulations and restrictions. Resolved that the Senate consider the Northern tribes of In-

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