Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



little value and seldom used They run from place to place, move with great celerity, and are but little dependent on civilized man for necessary articles. They are now at war with this Re- publick Their number is about 500 warriors despicable soldiers but formidable rogues, and for 5 years past have greatly an- noyed our frontier during which time they have occasionally found opportunities to commit most horrible outrages and to carry off children and females as prisoners. The latter of whom your Committee are justified in saying are forced to subserve to purpouses that any being3 other than fiends would blush to think of. These indians reside mostly on the Head waters of the Trin- ity Brazos and Colorado, and are on good terms with both the Comanche and the northern Indians living within the limits of Texas. Of the Comanche your Committee knows but little, they are however the natural enemies of the Mexicans whom they con- temptuously discriminate their stockkeepers and out of which nation they procure slaves. They are roving indians. live on ga.nie, and have many horses. Their arms are the Bow and ui.nce. Your Committee had not any evidence of hostile feelings on the part of these indians towards the People of this Republick and do not entertain a doubt but that a treaty of amity between this Govt and those Indians might be effected if presents and energetic measures were adopted for that purpose by the Exec- utive and Congress of this Republick. The People called Lipan, Karankawa and Tonkawa your Committee considers as part of the Mexican nation and no longer to be considered as a different People from that nation They occupy the Western Part of Texas. Those tribes usually dinominated Northern indians are the Kickapoo, Shawnee, Delaware, Potawatomi and Menominee They reside in the County of Nacogdoches and are hunters with a few exceptions among the Delaware and Shawnee, all are ex- cellent hunters and marksmen well armed about 500 in number and roam the Praries in perfect confidence. They are of about 8 years residence in Texas are friendly to the whites and have but slight pretensions to soil. making almost their sole sub- sistance by the chase, some of them have occasionally fought tne Comanche but are all now at peace. The Cherokee whom your Committee have chosen to mention

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