Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



Octr 5th 1843 Recd. of Government of Texas through Geo W Terrell Twelve Dollars and sixty two cents par funds. his R. I. Gilchrist L X Williams mark [Endorst d] The money mentioned in the within receipt was paid for serv- ices rendered by said Williams as a messenger to the Indians Jany 5th 1844 G. W. Terrell Recd of E L R WhE.elock one hogg Weighing one hundred and fifty pounds at four cents pr lb. for use of the Delaware Indians on their rout to the falls by order of the Government of Texas. tt>st Robert Steels April 21 1843 His Moses X Evans Mark [Endorsed] Pay to the 01·der of G. W. Terrell E L R Wheelock

Major Ransom 1843

Dr. $ 5.00

To RH Porter

Apl To 4 days board

@ 10/..... Apl 4, 1843 Recd paymt RH Porter

The above rep I paid for Mr Ransom as Secretary to the Indian Commissioner G. W. Terrell

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