Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



Republic of Texas To McDougall & Milligan Dr.

1843 April 9th To crossing over the ferry 97 horses at i2½ cents each--

$ 11.28 .47


To crossing forty nfoe Indians at 121/2 cents each-- To crossing over 17 packs at 121/:! cts-

6.121/:! 2.1211:!

$ 20.00 Recd of G. W. Terrell fifteen dollars in exchequer money in full of the above act.

McDougall & Milligan by Lewis Milligan 12.121/2

$ 15 00/100

Recd of G. W. Terrell, Indian Commissioners nine dollars for a saddle. lost by the said Indian Commissioners in March last. while in public service. Dec. 5th 1843 J E S Watton received of G W Terrell five Dollars in Exchecqur for Labour Done for Indian Commissor T. S. Menefee. By Jarrat Menefee Received, Washington, April 11, 1843, of George W. Terrell, forty six dollars, on account of my services as Indian Commis- sioner. J. S. Black

Recd of G W Terrell two dollars and fifty cents for services ren- dered the Govt in driving cattle to the Waco Villiage for the

Indians to eat. Oct. 9th 1843

Wm. R. Horne

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