Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I


[Endorsed] ~6953.01

Auditors Ce!·lificate.

Indian Purposes.

Apprd 8th Jany 1844


List of Orders drawn by t~e President and paid by the Treas- urer to Various individuals on Treasury Warrants in favor of Genl. Houston for Indian Purposes. 1843 1843 .:.\larch 24 Treasury Warrant No 49 Indian Purposes 2000.00 June 2 do No 949 do 2000.00 July 14 Returned by Hon G. W. Hill per Receipt 273.50 Sept 30 Treasury Warrant No 1063 Indian purposes 2000.00 Voucher Dr. FEby 23 1 Daniel J. Toler for Powder and Lead $ 10.00 :March 1 2 John S. Black Indian Commissioner 100.00 ,: 14 3 Wm. L. Clark for Indian Purposes 25.00 11 4 John Ramsey ,, 90.00 ,, 20 5 T. M. Hawkins earring Express 25.00 30 6 Benj. Sloat for Services 170.00 28 7 Sol. L. Johnson " Supplies 18.00 April 1 8 S. Z. Hoyle Expenses to Houston etc. 70.00 " 10 9 Luis Sanchez Interpreter etc. 270.00 " 10 Thos. I. Smith and G. W. Terrell Commissioners 200.00 " 11 John S. Black Commissioner 182.00 14 12 John Conner Interpreter for Council 40.00 15 13 S. Z. Hoyle for Indian Purposes 50.00 17 14 Jos. Eldredge " " 150.00 ,,

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