Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



friendly relation8 with the wild indians, a body of men who from their childhood have been taught that aggressions com- mitted upon the white man were laudable, and the massacre of women and children as praise worthy acts of revenge, it can hardly be expected that all depredations will immediately and entirely cease-Our frontier people must yet a little longer bear and forbear until in furtherance of your Excellency's most wise and humane policy, suitable agencies shall be established, through which when aggressions are committed, prompt and immediate satisfaction can be obtained without resorting to per- sonal acts of revenge and retaliation which would most assuredly ag-ain involve us in a war. I have the honor to be Your very Obedient Servant J. C. ELDREDGE Genl. Superintendent of lndfan Affairs etc. [Endorsccl] Report of the General Superintendent of Indian Affairs, Deer. 8, 1843. No. 212 POWER OF ATTORNEY TO JAME'S H. RAYMOND FROM TORREY AND BROTHERS [December 12, 1843] The Republic of Texas County of Ha-rris Know ye that we the undersigned of the county aforesaid have this day constituted and appointed Mr. James H. Raymond of the Republic aforesaid and county of Washington our true aud lawful attorney to act for us, in our name and stead in the settlement of any claims for money due us by the Government of said Republic. The said Raymond is fully authorized to draw, receive and receipt for any money that is now, or may hereafter become due to us from said Government; and all of our said attorney's acts shall be as valid, legal and binding upon us, as if done by ourselves. In witness whereof we have here- unto set our hand and seal this 12th day of December A.D. 1843. Torrey & Brothers (Seal)

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