Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I

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ren that we are disposed to break our long knives and bury our Tomahawks with them and to open a trade road between the house of the Red and white man that al! we shall require of them will be to give up the prisoners they have of ours to bring back all the property they have stolen and not to murder or steal any more and to prevent other Indians from doing so where they may know of it to all of which if they will agree you may promise them that we will make a Treaty of peace with them which shall last forever The presents which are furnished to you you can distribute as you may think mcst proper and you may make such arrangements about the chiefs corning in as is most satisfactory to the Indians We would like well if they could be brought down to the Seat of GoYernment blit for fear that cannot be done we will &sk the President to nominate two commissioners here who can treat with them and who will be furnished with the proper instruc~ions In your talk with them you will be careful not to promise them La!1cls at any particular place ?.nrl be cautious yo~: no promise however :-:light that cannot be strictly complied with \'ery respectfully your obt Serrnnts signed THO J RUSK K H DOUGLASS [Endorsed] Instructions to JesEe Watkins 14 Sept. 1837

No. 14


Committee Room 12th Oct 1837

Mr President The Standing Committee rn Indian affairs, Beg leave to Re- port,-That they have had the subject under consideration and that, in its investigation they have found it one of vast impor- tance to the Republick comprising a complication of conflicting interests, And one which necessarily forces within .the observa- ti<'n of your Committee those Publiclc Acts had in reference to the Indians within the borders of this Republick: Your Committee have thought proper to Lay before the Hon-

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