Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



their business but could get no information. I then demanded of Shaw his reasons for sending away without my consent two of the Expedition employed by the Government and received for answer "that some trouble existed among the Creek indians with the U. 'S. Govt. about some powder and he wanted to know all the particulars about it so as to tell the wild indians"-I knew this to be an evasioil and told him that the Creek indians had nothing whatever to do with Texas or her Indians, and that I looked upon his conduct as highly reprehensible and should re- port to your Excellency, that not content with delaying me twen- ty four days at the last village he must needs keep me ten more at the next. I would also mention in this place that one of the hunters employed (a brother of Jack Harry) left us at the Tawakoni village and did not again join us. I appointed an- ' other Delaware named Francis to supply his place who is en- titled to the pay agreed to be allowed the hunters for the trip. we proceeded about 20 miles this day. On the 7th we struck Grand prairie having passed through the cross timbers, I suppose them about seventy miles wide where we crossed them. On the 9th crossed the Big Wich- ita and Red Rivers. On the 10th crossed the trail of Col. Snivelys party and encamped on Cache Creek near the mountains. On the 11th crossed Cache Creek and encamped near the Wichita or Tawehash village. I found but one Chief and about ten warriors at home, the balance were absent on stealing and hunting parties. The principal Chief was expected to return the next morning. On the 13th the head chief not having returned, we were invited by the Second Chief through A-cab-quash to breakfast with him. We went and were cordially received and entertained upon Buffalo meat. A-cah-quash then talked about four hours, giving an account of the Council and bis visit to Washington, to which they seemed to pay great at- tention. It was then agreed to meet in council so soon as the bead chief arrived who was hourly expected. Contradictory reports were still

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