Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I



dutchman by the name of Fotran and two children and kild Roberson our representative and his brother, they are steelen and kilien all our stock and we cant help ourselves we are so few in number that we cant leave our homes to rout them I am here the same as both hands tied four women to guard so that I can't get out to see about them if you cant do· somthing for us we are in a bad situation and will no doubt be some of our wom- en and children tnassaceed the next time you here from us I have not seen any of them myself but they come to see me and as I was not at home took two horses shot one on and left untill the next time and I dont no how long that may be for they are in the settlement yet I can here of them even two or three days nothing more but remain your most respectfully W H SECREST [The following parag;-aph is probably an endorsement w!·itten b:r a govemm<>nt official.] The Secy of State will write the Government of the U States and urge in the strongest terms the necessity of sending a force, and at least two companies of mounted men, from the U States, to Keep the Caddo in check beside an Infantry force at Nacog- doches. The last treaty between them and the U States threw them upon us, with feelings of hostility against all americans -They regard us, part of the american family. The Treaty demands all that we solicit! our demand should be heard. [Endorsed] W. H. Secrest Colorado March 1: 1837 to the President

No. 13



14th Septr. 1837

To Jesse Watkins Esq Sir you will proceed to the Praires to meet the Head man of the Keechi Caddo Tawakoni and loni Tribes of Indians tak- ing with you as Interpreter Luis Sanchez you will first listen to any talk they may desire to hold with you and then inform them that we are disposed to be at peace with all our Red Breth-

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