Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I

TEXAS !:-JDIAX PAPEP.S, 1825-1843


In a communication elated June 11th I detailed the particulars of another talk had with this chief ancl the acceprnnce c,f his proposition to send runners fo tiie W1c·hita \'illage where information he thought could be ob- tained of the locality of the Comanche. I also mentioned the r1::quest of Shaw for my consent to go to Strouds for corn and my denia1. After the departure of the runners Conner and Shaw told me of their intention to go to Red River and deposite their skins, so that when we obtain information and do move it will be with despatch. As the distance was only seventy five miles ancl they promised faithfully to be back in seven days at ti:e farthest, I reluctantly assented to their going. That there r:ur:;ht howe\·er be no greater delay than the tim2 specified I in- structed Mr. Torrey to accompnny them to urge upon them clespatch if they seemed inclined to stay. Accordingly on Sun- day the 11th they Started. On the 17th the runners re- turned and reported having been to the Wichita village and learned from the chief that two young men had arrived the day previous direct from the Comanche that the whole body of therr ·,,·ere about 250 or 300 miles distant on Big Salt River procur ing salt an,l killing buffalo which were Yery abundant. Tha they were daily in expectation of a \'isit from the Osage wiU, whom they were to make peace and trade. After which they were coming to the Wichita \"illage and would probably arrive about the time Corn was fit for roasting. This was the amount c,1' inteliigence as gleaned from Second-Eye the most miserable of interpreters. On the 18th A-cah-quash re- turned me a mule which had been stolen from the falls of the Brazos by one of his young \,·ardors and which was afterwards rt:turnEd by me to its owner. On the 21st we received infor- mation direct from the Comanche through some Waco who had been on a hunting expedition. They report having seen the Chief Pah-hah-yuco himself who asked them concerning the Yisit Shaw had promised to make him. The tribe is supposed to be about twelve days journey distant. On the 24th we were visited by a Wichita chief and sc,me Pawnee. The Wichita had been sent by the p:.-incipal chief to see us, ascertain our numbers and the

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