Indian Papers of Texas and the Southwest, Vol. I

TEXAS I1'DIA~ PAPERS, 1825-1843


part against Texas: and that if any such proposals should ever bl' macle to them, that they will immediately communicate the l-;ctme to an agent or to the President. Article IV. They further agree and declare, that when they learn that Texas is at war with any pe_ople, a chief will come to an Agent and ask to be conducted to the President, that he may counsel with him. Article V. They further agree and declare, that agents i:hal: be appointed by the Government of Texas and be stationed at such places as may be deemed proper, for the purpose of hearing the complaints of the Indians and seeing that justice is done between them and the whites; and also to communicate the orders and wishes of the President to the various bands and tribes. Article VI. They further agree and declare, that no per- son shall go among the Indians to trade, except by the express authority of the Government of Texas. A 1·ticle VII. They further agree and declare, that no white man or other person within the control of the laws of Texas, shall 'introduce among any tribe or nation of Indians, or sell to any Indian or Indians, ardent spirits or intoxicating liquors of any kind. Article VIII. They further agree and declare, that no white man or other person, else than a regularly licensed trader, snail purchase any property of an Indian or Indians, without the consent of an agent of the Government of Texas. Article IX. They further agree and declare, that when any property is found among the whites, belonging to the In- dians, it shall be the duty of the Agent to see that the same is rt!stored; and on the other hand, whenever property, belonging to the whites, is found among the Indians, the same shall be restored in l'ike manner by the chiefs, on application of the owner or owners thereof, through the Agent. Article X. They further agree and declare that no trader shall furnish any warlike stores to the Indians, but by the ex- pre:ss permission of the Pres'ident. .4rticle XI. They further agree and declare, that no person or persons shall pass the line of trading houses, without the :;pec1al permission of the President; and then only for friendly purposet ; nor shall any person or persons reside or remain

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